Tuesday, 15 May 2018

I'm Done

I'm sad.
I'm dejected
I feel thoroughly let down.


Some of you may not know of the struggles my family are facing aside from my health issues.

My partner got divorced last year and was ordered to sell the house. 
Pretty standard I guess. 

What's not standard is us having nowhere to go.  Nowhere.

I've lived in Ireland for 15years. Brian is Irish as is our son. 

The Irish government has failed us. 

Last year when we first learned of our fate we engaged with the council and the Simon community. 
All the time when we asked "what if we don't find somewhere?" We got the reply "that won't happen" time and again.  As the months passed and we were getting knock back after knock back "That won't happen " "you'll be fine".
Well 12months later and guess what!!??


We've travelled for countless viewings, meetings in Wicklow council (an hours journey is no fun for me I can tell you), filled out forms galore (not an easy task for either of us with our health issues), begged for help,  been on the radio,  in the paper,  written to MP's, appealed for help from councillors.

Now we are done.  At the end of our rope.
Totally failed by the Irish government. 

HAP does NOT WORK. I believe it's hard for family's who are working but for us? Nope.
Nobody wants a disabled woman,  her child and her carer who's only income is benefits (which have been fought very hard for,  still awaiting appeal decision on latest one but that's another story).  Landlords aren't legally allowed to discriminate but we are proof it happens.
This all falls firmly at the government's door.
Their lack of social housing let alone housing suitable for those with special needs is at the heart of all this. 

So now with a court summons sitting on the kitchen table we are selling our worldly goods (including said kitchen table).

There is NOWHERE to go here in Ireland.  We have no choice but to go for respite in the UK with my aging parents and hope you God we can return to Ireland to a suitable home for my family. 
We simply cannot take any more. 
My health has suffered enough. 

This morning saw email number 4 sent to Simon Harris this year. The previous 3 having gone unanswered. 
He is our local TD and
I've been in touch with him since last year, we can see how much good that has done. 


You see now why I've not been writing my blogs as much as is like.  I've so many reviews to do.  A whole host of blogs on CBD to write. For now though that's all on the back burner. 

Thanks for reading and gentle hugs to all. 
Keep fighting my unicorns ❤

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