Thursday, 19 July 2018

A good news story (for a change)

It's so nice to be able to write a positive blog for a change.

To recap:
We were made homeless in Ireland. 
Let down by the system completely. 
To be honest both me and my partner were at breaking point. 
The very real possibility of being on the street was horrific. 
I'm in enough pain in my bed 20 hours of the day... take that bed away from me,  along with roof, it didn't bare thinking about. 
That was beforeI even right of my 4yo on the street....

So we decided to STOP.

STOP looking for houses for a while. 

STOP the constant rejections when landlords didn't choose us. 

STOP begging for the help that should be offered.

STOP being made feel like utter crap. 

We will probably be judged for doing this but tbh our mental and physical health was in too much danger to do anything else.

Instead, we took the decision to pack up or remaining possessions, (after we had sold or gave away the majority) and head to the UK for some much needed respite.

We are staying with my parents. My son is absolutely LOVING being with his grandparents, and we are finally not fighting all this shite alone. 

We don't know where we will end up but we did decide that there was something proactive we COULD do. 


We've been engaged for years but been waiting on the divorce (that made us homeless funnily enough) to be able to do so.  

The old clichè We don't have much but we have each other, couldn't be truer.

Obviously it's not going to be a lavish affair,  a small registry office "do" is the plan. 

I'm currently having fun whilst lying in my bed seeing what bargains I can find.  It's amazing what's out there. 

I don't know how I'll cope with the Day itself but I'm hoping a late seated Ceremony and relaxed evening will be doable.

I'm going to pimp up my walking stick and may even pimp up my scooter with some just married stuff lol

If any of you reading this have any tips I'd love to hear them. 

Anyway, as always,  thank you for reading. 
Remember we can't give up people, we HAVE to keep fighting.

Gentle hugs and much love to all