Allodynia is a type of pain associated with Fibromyalgia and is considered a rare type of pain. With allodynia, there is a triggered pain response from stimuli that does not normally cause pain. In this case, it causes a great deal of skin pain. The skin burns to the touch and is often described as a sunburn sensation or "sparkler burn". Clothes will hurt against the skin. Even a breeze will feel painful against the heightened and tender skin. There is no exact cause for allodynia, but it is considered to be from central nervous sensitization where there is an increase of excitability in the neurons of the central nervous system. As such, harmless stimulus – like a light touch – activates the nociceptors which are usually activated only in response to intense stimulus causing damage to the tissue and thus causing pain where there should be none.
The pain caused by touch is called tactile allodynia; when caused by movement, it is mechanical allodynia. Thermal allodynia is related to temperature. Other pain conditions can create this response such as neuropathy, post herpetic neuralgia and migraines. In fact, with migraines, allodynia is common in the scalp, although it can occur anywhere.
Allodynia can range from mild to severe and can be all over the body or only in certain areas. It can be continuous or come and go. My own allodynia is one of my main symptoms of Fibromyalgia. The constant feeling of skin burning. As I write this I'm aware of my hands, forarms and thighs burning. There's not a lot I can do about it. Sometimes a cooling towel or gel like Aloe or MSM GEL is nice but the effects are limited often offering just a few minutes relief. CBD balm is another thing that does help but rubbing it on is done with gritted teeth as it may as well be sandpaper (I hasten to add it's my skin causing that, the Balm is smooth and soft).
For me, allodynia is a constant companion. It does vary in severity but it's always there. Some experience it with migraines however I don't have to have a migraine for it to affect my scalp. Its like someone has yanked your hair leaving a residual bruised sensation. Washing hair is torture as is brushing. You'll have seen I've shaved hair off in an effort to reduce the weight of my hair on my head.
During extreme weather, I also get thermal allodynia that can cause a great deal of all-over sensitivity and makes it difficult to be out on hot days I used to LOVE the sun but now if I'm out I have to be shaded. The opposite is also true, being cold causes physical pain.
Clothing is a common problem with tactile allodynia. There can be a burning or constricting feeling from waistbands, even if they are not tight. Bra straps can create a lot of discomfort. Any clothing closely pressed to the body can seem to be putting ‘pressure’ on the burning sensation, including tags and stitching. Generally, fabric choice can be a real issue as some will seem quite aggressive against the tender skin, but when it is severe, all fabrics will be equally aggravating.
I've ditched the bra, wear clothes inside out and have to wear bigger sizes even maternity clothes to keep clothes away from my skin. I'm one step away from a kaftan lol
I'm currently awaiting a lignocaine (lidocaine) infusion and then the next step will be ketamine!
Here's hoping for relief soon ❤❤❤
Finally as much as it still pains me to ask, if anyone can help I'd be so grateful. My go fund me link is below.
Much love and gentle hugs to all 💜💜💜💜