Blimey O'Reilly it's never ending!!
I've had enough of this ride, can I get off please!!???
I've been in a flare for a while now with the severity going up and down.
Well last night and this morning I'm in the worst flare to date!!
What's a flare you ask.
It's different things to different people. Not all flares are the same. If someone says to you they are flaring, please don't dismiss them. They are telling you that their pain etc has spiked and they are struggling to function.
For me the skin started last night. All over sun burn. Clothes or even BREATH touching skin causes pain. I've now got all my clothes, Inc socks, on inside out. Something I've had to do for a while but now my old faithful top is causing pain too. So that's inside out as well.
On top of that is bone, and muscle pain. My entire body hurts. I can barely move. My ribs hurt to breath. Every joint hurts. It's hell.
What did I do to set this off you may wonder?
I sorted out our kitchen drawers ahead of having to leave our house (another story). That's all I did though. I even had a chair positioned to help.
Life with Fibromyalgia is life on a knife edge.
You never know what will set you off.
Granted with me my tolerance level is very low, I will invariably pay for any activity.... But cleaning the drawers!!!??? I mean come on!!!???
How the hell are we going to manage moving house with a burden like me and a 3yo!!???
My partner is amazing but he is shattered.
My point dear readers is to ask you to please take the time to listen to your loved ones. If you are the person suffering below you will find a link to an interview I did with the journal. Please feel free to share with your family members. Some of you have reached out to me and said how much it resonated with you so please do share the heck out of it.
We need to raise awareness!!
Finally as much as it still pains me to ask, if anyone can help I'd be so grateful. My go fund me link is below. Being sick and being on disability with zero income is no fun. Especially with a young child. We put ourselves after him. Always. As all parents do. Anyway. Much love and thanks to all 💜💜💜💜